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Have you ever felt like the less you owned the more you had? I think we often get to a place where were just trying to keep up owning the latest and greatest. It’s ok to have things it’s just a problem when they have us. When I look at my life I could loose everything I have but as long as I can keep my family, wife, and daughters by my side then I know everything is going to be ok.

owning-less-and-havingmoreI believe that all humanity was meant to own their possession and not have their possession to own them. To consume their commodities and not let their commodities consume them. Human beings are obsessive and neurotic creatures. Deep down we all have a desire for simplicity and peace. I have noticed in my life that there are three reasons why owning less is having more and I want to share them with you now.

1. You Were Brought Into The World With Nothing

Something my wife would often say is “Daniel we need more toys for Everly,” our daughter. I would reply Liz she’s fine. She doesn’t even care about that. I remember when my daughter came into our lives that she didn’t bring anything but herself into our lives. If we bought her a toy she would show some interest and then soon walk over to rocks and dirt to play.

My wife months later stopped saying that and then later said to me “I realize that Everly doesn’t need much, she’s simple.” We brought into the world what was most important to our world and it was her. I think if you can buy 100s of toys for your child, great but to remember that children are the apex of simplicity. Even when they eat their source is their mother. They need love, care, nurturing and nature. They become what we breed them to be, consumed by stuff or satisfied with simplicity, which one are you teaching your kids?

Remember when you were a child? Remember how simple your life was before you had your license, phone, home, and responsibilities? It wasn’t that you didn’t have them because your parents did, it’s that they didn’t have you. What that means to me is you didn’t obsess over them, you didn’t constantly have to think about paying the bill or maintaining them. So how can we possess many things and be obsessed with the ones that matter? I don’t know for you. It’s a process of creating a harmony that only you can embrace.

2. You’ll Leave The World With Nothing

I am convinced that at the end of our lives we will not regret what we didn’t do for ourselves but what we didn’t do for others. Individuals reach the top every day and regret that their alone. People were made to connect to the hearts of others. To have powerful, positive and purposeful lives and relationships. No one sits on their death bed wishing they bought that car or a bigger house or things, they reflect on what money can’t buy.

When you die what do you take with you? NOTHING. You take your memories and experiences. The most intangible items in the world. Something that only you can feel. You don’t even take your loved ones, only the time and ideas of the past that allow you to smile and know you lived well on earth. Sadly most never think about the end and the beginning and live the middle by default driven by the system. That says more, more, more yet end up dissatisfied with the results of their life. Don’t forget what you will take with you at the end of life. It will change what you attempt to gain in the process to the end.

3. What Makes You Joyful In The Middle

Ultimately what we possess and what we gain can bring us happiness but even the beautiful car you own only brings you joy when those around you are impressed. Your big house is insignificant if your the only one that gets to enjoy it. I want to say again that this isn’t a deterrent to wanting a lot. To go after your dreams and build the life of your dreams. To reach for the stars and excel in every area of your life. To have the biggest house, nicest car and things.

It’s to reposition your heart to understanding that all of those things will come if you focus in on creating a healthy and whole life centered around people and meaningful relationships. ALL of what you gain is lost for the sake of enjoying it by yourself. No possession or thing is entertaining if you were stuck on an island alone with it. Making the middle of your life count is solely centered around your ability to allow what you have to bless others.


I heard a friend once say, “if you don’t want much, you won’t have much in life.” The more you have, the more you can help others. The more you have, the more stewardship and maturity will be required to not allow it to have you. This is your season to sit down and write out the 10 most meaningful, sacred and important things in your life. Then the 10 most important people and prioritize them in your life and watch as your enjoyment and even success in life advances.

Daniel Budzinski

Author Daniel Budzinski

Driven to help people discover their dreams & purpose in life.

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