First I'd like to start off by saying I am not a financial advisor and everything wrote is the personal opinion of myself. With that said, something that I have become pretty passionate about lately is cryptocurrencies. I have a very specific goal for this blog as just an intro to maybe more to come depending on the feedback I…
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Do you ever feel backed into a corner with your relationships? Do you feel disarmed and confused when others ask you questions? As humans we have been wired to avoid confrontation or anything that makes us feel uncomfortable or awkward in our relationships. Many people have negative agendas when it comes to their questions and instead of going deeper we follow them down their agenda…
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Sir Issac Newton developed the theories of gravitation in 1666 at 23 years old. Approximately 20 years later in 1686, Newton created the three laws of motion. The laws of motion were scientific breakthroughs and I want to share how it can bring breakthrough to your personal life today. These three laws of motion correlate directly with the three laws…
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If you want to take back control of your life and calendar then this message is definitely for you. If you feel like you don't have enough time in the day because you keep giving it to others then keep reading. We have all been stuck in situations where we have said "yes" when we really should have said "no."…
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Have you ever wanted to turn your dream into a reality or your idea into a lifestyle? Every great life, invention, business, product, and accomplishment started with an idea or dream. Every great journey starts with a first step and this message is your first step in seeing your dream become a reality. What goes through your mind when you’re…
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